Fall decorations can add beauty and color to your home. Fall decorations don't have to be difficult to make or expensive to buy. Here are
some DIY Decorations for fall.
- Put some green tissue paper in the bottom of a small wicker basket and top it with an assortment of small gourds and pumpkins. This can make a nice decorative piece or centerpiece for your fall table.
- Get about eight dried corn stalks and bind them together about two feet from the top. Spread the bottom of the stalks out to create a free standing tee-pee type shape to stand in your yard.
- Cut cork sheets into fall shapes to use as coasters during the season. Cut them into pumpkin shapes, leaf shapes, or even in the shapes of a football.
- Hollow out small pumpkins to use as candle holders.
With a little creativity and with objects that are available this time of year you can add some fall touches to your home.
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