
Halloween Home Safety Tips

Halloween Home Safety Tips

Oct 29, 2015

Blog Posts

Halloween Home Safety Tips Halloween Home Safety Tips

Treat your home to safety and avoid tricks with these Halloween safety tips.

It's almost Halloween! You probably have your costume picked out, your candy stockpiled, and your jack o'lantern proudly displayed on your front stoop. We want your holiday to be extra sweet, so here are some Halloween home safety tips to make your evening full of treats, not tricks.
  • Let There Be Light! Help people avoid tripping hazards by making sure all the walkways up to your house are well-lit. If your footpaths are dark and spooky, some inexpensive solar powered lights that stick in your yard are a quick and easy way to remedy the hazard before Halloween is here.
  • Find A Place For Furry Friends. With all the activity at your front door on Halloween night, your pet might get a little over-excited. Make sure your four-legged family member doesn't stress him or herself or your trick-or-treaters by creating a safe space away from your front door where your pets can hang out.
  • Minimize Your Mess. We know it's fall and that might mean leaves on your yard, but it's worth your while to rake them before Halloween. Leaves can obscure tripping hazards, which could leave you with an injured trick-or-treater. As you rake, look for other obstacles€”like holes in your yard or gardening tools€”that would present a danger to a kid hyper off sugar.
While you can protect your home against mischief this Halloween, you can't prevent all accidents. If a trick-or-treater trips and falls, then sues you for the damages, what would you do? Did you know that your homeowners insurance liability coverage could pick up the tab for that lawsuit and medical expenses? To learn more about how your policy can protect you this Halloween, contact Weeks & Associates Insurance Services in Thousand Oaks, California.
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