
Strategies to Help You Keep All Your Resolutions This Year

Strategies to Help You Keep All Your Resolutions This Year

Dec 28, 2017


Strategies to Help You Keep All Your Resolutions This Year Strategies to Help You Keep All Your Resolutions This Year

Keep all your resolutions in 2018.

The end of the year means that it's time to think about setting goals for the New Year.  If you've struggled to keep your resolutions in years past, make 2018 different.  Try out these strategies to help you keep all your resolutions in the coming year. 1) Choose Wisely Many people choose resolutions based on the suggestions or expectations of others.  However, it's much better to choose resolutions that you are personally invested in.  When you set goals that align with your values, you are much more likely to stay motivated and actually accomplish your aims.  This new year, don't let others affect your opinions and beliefs.  Stay true to yourself and you will have a much easier time keeping your resolutions. 2) Be Specific It's also important to set goals that are specific and well thought out.  The more detailed you are, the more likely you are to keep your resolutions.  For instance, instead of simply vowing to exercise more, detail how many days a week you will work out.  Additionally, set aside time in your schedule to actually exercise.  This will make it harder to make excuses for yourself and will therefore keep you dedicated to your goals. 3) Stay Positive Everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay to slip up from time to time.  When you do find yourself straying away from your resolutions, try not to be too hard on yourself.  If you are overly negative, then you might discourage yourself and give up on your goals altogether.  Instead, recognize your mistakes and do your best to learn from them.  Staying positive as you work to achieve your goals will make it easier to stay motivated. Try out these strategies to help you keep your resolutions in 2018.  We at Weeks & Associates Insurance Services would like to wish everyone a very happy new year.  If you are looking for insurance coverage for the coming year, contact us.  Located in Thousand Oaks, California, we are ready to assist you with all your coverage needs.
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