
Thanksgiving Day and Home Insurance Claims

Thanksgiving Day and Home Insurance Claims

Nov 03, 2022

Home Insurance

Thanksgiving Day and Home Insurance Claims Thanksgiving Day and Home Insurance Claims

Thanksgiving is a day for being grateful for everything you have. While you are busy enjoying quality time with your family and friends, it's important that you keep safety at the top of your priorities. Take a few moments to review the following list of possible holiday hazards. With a little care and forethought, your holiday season will be one for celebrations and family fun without having to file an insurance claim.

Cooking Fires

Leaving food unattended on the stove or the grill unattended is a fire hazard. If a pan catches fire on the stove, never use water to put it out; instead, use a fire extinguisher. It is much safer, and it won't cause the fire to spread. If the fire is contained in a small pot, putting a lid on it will help it to go out. Before you leave your stove, turn the burners off to prevent any risk of a fire from occurring.


Always keep children away from hot pots and pans sitting on the stove. Keep the handles turned away from the edge of the stove to prevent children from reaching them. A burn caused by a hot pan of food can be extremely painful and, for a child, possibly life-threatening. Children and pets are curious and can get into things they shouldn't. If you have pans of food on your stove or table, make sure to keep them covered.

Unattended Candles

Candles are very aromatic and make excellent decorations for the holidays. Having lit candles throughout your home during the holidays makes it feel cozy and comfortable. The ambient light and soft flickers of the flames remind us of times long passed when things were much simpler and less stressful. While they are a great way to set the mood for the day, they can also be a dangerous fire hazard. Never leave lit candles unattended, especially if you have small children or pets. One small bump or nudge and someone could be severely burned, or a fire could start.

Flammable Items Near a Heat Source

Keeping flammable items like couch throws or curtains away from heating sources will lower your risk of a home fire. If you have a fireplace or use a kerosene or space heater, you must place these items away from an open fire or other heat sources. A good rule of thumb is to create an open space around any heat source at least three or four feet away.

Need Help in Keeping Your Home Fire-Free? Contact Weeks & Associates

The reputable insurance agents at Weeks & Associates would like to wish everyone a safe and healthy Thanksgiving! We look forward to helping you with your home insurance claims. Contact us if you have any related questions; our professionals are always ready to assist you with the suitable insurance policies to meet your desired needs!

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