Graduating high school is a very exciting time for both parents and children. With all the celebrations going on, it can be easy to overlook possible safety issues during this time. Following these graduation safety tips can ensure that everyone stays safe during this exciting time.
- Know who is driving. Know who will be responsible for getting everyone from place to place. Always make sure your teen has enough money to cover a different means of transportation, such as a taxi, if necessary.
- Limit passengers. The more people in a car, the more distractions there are. Make sure the driver stays safe by limiting the number of people in the vehicle. There should never be more people in a car than there are seatbelts.
- Make a schedule. Know where your teen will be at all times and with whom. Make sure to set a curfew for your teen to make sure they make it back safely.
- Get contact information. Know whom you teen is going to be with and get contact information from them. Also know the addresses of where your teen will be and the contact information of the supervising adult.
- Make sure there is supervision. Do not let your teen go to any party that will not have adult supervision.
- No drinking or drugs. Make sure you set strict consequences for your teen if they are caught under the influence and make sure they are aware of them.
Make sure the driver of the night has the proper
auto insurance and is allowed to driver with passengers. If your teen is driving, check your own policy. If any updating or changes need to be made, be sure to contact
Weeks & Associates Insurance Services. They can find you the best auto insurance to make sure you are covered in any situation.