
Try Out These Sun Safety Tips This Summer

Try Out These Sun Safety Tips This Summer

Jun 21, 2018


Try Out These Sun Safety Tips This Summer Try Out These Sun Safety Tips This Summer

Stay safe in the sun this summer.

Now that summer is here, the sun is shining bright! While there's nothing like a dose of sunshine to brighten your day, it's important to remember that exposure to sunlight can actually pose some serious health risks. This summer, make sure you protect yourself by trying out these sun safety tips. Protect Your Skin Prolonged sun exposure can lead to skin damage. For instance, it can cause cosmetic issues such as sun spots, freckles, and wrinkles. However, it can also cause more serious issues such as sunburn, eye damage, and even skin cancers. This is why it's so important to protect your skin while you are out in the sun. Here are some of the safety suggestions you should try:
  • Always wear sunscreen of at least SPF 30 when you are out in the sun. You should be careful to reapply every 80 minutes, or more frequently if you are playing in the water or sweating profusely.
  • Protect your skin by wearing wide brimmed hats, shirts with sleeves, and pants.
  • You should protect your eyes from damaging rays by donning sunglasses with total UV protection.
  • Try to avoid being outside from 10 am-2pm, as this is when the sun tends to be shining the brightest.
Stay Cool Another serious danger associated with being out in the sun is the risk of getting heat stroke or becoming dehydrated. To ensure that you do not face these potentially deadly risks, try out some of these safety tips:
  • Avoid vigorous physical activity during the peak heat of the day.
  • If you are going to be outside in the sun for an extended period of time, make sure you carry copious amounts of water and drink regularly to stay hydrated.
  • Look out for any signs of heat stroke such as throbbing headache, dizziness, inability to sweat, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, and so on. If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself or in a companion, seek medical attention to ensure that the condition does not worsen.
These are some of the suggestions that you try to stay safe in the sun this summer.  Want another way to take care of yourself?  Then make sure you have the proper personal insurance protections in place.  Too find the right policies to meet all your needs, contact the experts at Weeks & Associates Insurance Services in Thousand Oaks, California.  Our dedicated team is ready to get you the coverage that you need today.
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