
Should I Be Worried About Mold in My Home?

Should I Be Worried About Mold in My Home?

Feb 22, 2018

Blog Posts

Should I Be Worried About Mold in My Home? Should I Be Worried About Mold in My Home?

Is the mold in your home a cause for concern?

While mold growth in your home is certainly unsightly, is it actually dangerous?  Learn about the health risks associated with exposure to mold and learn what you can do to prevent the growth of mold in your home. Health Risks According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), exposure to mold isn't a major health risk.  However, this does not mean that mold is harmless.  In fact, there are many people who suffer from mold sensitivities and allergies.  For these individuals, exposure to mold could result in a range of reactions, from runny nose to difficulty breathing. Even if you do not have a mold allergy, exposure could still constitute a risk to your health.  Studies have shown that mold exposure can result in irritation to the eyes, skin, throat, and lungs.  Additionally, research has suggested a link between mold exposure and the development of respiratory conditions in otherwise healthy individuals. Prevention Because mold grows in warm, damp environments, the best way to protect against mold is by keeping your home dry.  For instance, if there is a leak in your home, you should address the problem immediately.  Make sure you clean and dry the affected area completely to avoid the development of mold.  Additionally, you should make an effort to lower the humidity levels of your home.  When your home is closed up in the winter, moisture can get trapped inside.  This humidity can result in mold growth.  To prevent this, make sure you occasionally open your windows to let the trapped moisture escape. Use this information to protect against the negative effect of mold.  Want another way to protect your home and loved ones?  Then make sure you have the proper homeowners insurance protections in place.  To find the right policies to meet your needs, contact the experts at Weeks & Associates Insurance Services in Thousand Oaks, California.  Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with all your insurance needs.
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